■ 平成21年 |
日本動物学会北海道支部 第526回支部講演会
日時:平成21年2月20日(金)16:00〜17:00 場所:北海道大学理学部5号館8階813室 演者:Drs. Paul D. Taylor(Bryozoan Research, Dept. of Palaeontology, The Natural History Museum,Cromwell Road, London ) 出席者:約35名
演題: Digital imagery as an aid to the curation of substrates encrusted by multiple species: an example using pebbles and cobbles encrusted by bryozoans from the Pleistocene of Hokkaido
‘Kokemushi Paradise’, an exceptional locality in the Setana Formationof Kuromatsunai rich in pebbles and cobbles encrusted by bryozoans, offers unprecedented research opportunities for studying faunal dynamics in a fossil hard substrate community. However, the curation of material from here is challenging because each clast may be encrusted by multiple colonies belonging to many different species. The traditional method of using sticky labels and arrows to mark individualcolonies is inappropriate. Consequently, we have been investigating digital imagery as a means of curating these complex, multispecies specimens. Three-dimensional scanning was found to be less satisfactory than conventional digital photography coupled with scanning electron microscopy. We anticipate linking images of all clast surfaces to the NHM computer register (KE EMu), allowing individual bryozoan colonies to be precisely specified.