北海道支部 ホームページ
 >  > 北海道支部講演会 > ■ 第553回支部講演会日時:2014年10月20日(月) 16:00〜17:00場所:北海道大学理学部5号館4階 5-407室演者:Teresa Cerveira Borges演題:Biodiversity in fisheries: the importance of discards(漁業における生物多様性:漁獲物投棄の重要性)

■ 第553回支部講演会
日時:20141020日(月) 16001700
場所:北海道大学理学部5号館4階 5-407
演者:Teresa Cerveira Borges
演題:Biodiversity in fisheries: the importance of discards

During fishing activities, species other than the target commercial species are also captured; the so-called by-catch. By-catch species can also be commercial but most have a low or zero commercial value and are discarded at sea. Discards are recognized as one of the major problems in world fisheries and studies show that the number of species discarded in the Algarve, one of the regions in Portugal most dependent on fisheries, is much higher than the species commercialized, with their biology and ecology sometimes poorly known. This constitutes not only a problem for the management and maintenance of biodiversity and ecologic balance but also a substantial loss of prime-material, with negative economic consequences. However, it is important to emphasize that discards exist and the most important is not to ignore the problem but to study all aspects of it in order to minimize its effects as much as possible.

エレーナ・フォルトゥナートHelena Fortunato(北海道大学大学院理学研究院)
柁原 宏(北海道大学大学院理学研究院)
E-mail: kazi@mail.sci.hokudai.ac.jp 電話:011-706-2755

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