■ 第560回支部講演会 |
日時: 2015年8月14日(金)17:00〜
場所: 北海道大学理学部5号館4階5-407
演者: ウィル・ライアン博士(米・フロリダ州立大学)
Dr Will Ryan (Florida State University, USA)
演題: 日本と米国におけるタテジマイソギンチャクの繁殖行動に対する温度と地理の影響
The influence of temperature and geography on reproductive behavior of the sea anemone, Diadumene lineata in Japan and the United States
The intertidal sea anemone, Diadumene lineata is found on shorelines all over the northern hemisphere where it is found from ~30–45°N latitude. Because of the size of this latitudinal range, northern populations experience much colder conditions than southern populations, which influences both growth rates and reproductive behavior. In the United States, this species is known divide asexually much faster in warm water than cold water. In my dissertation work, I have found that southern populations divide more frequently and stay much smaller than northern individuals at all temperatures, creating a co-gradient pattern of variation in asexual reproduction along the latitudinal temperature gradient. Likewise, temperature influences the timing and amount of sexual reproduction, creating an inverse pattern of sexual reproduction. Since this species was introduced to the United States from its Japanese native range, it is unclear whether this pattern reflects introduction bias or adaptive variation. Through a combination of culturing anemones collected from both coasts and basic population genetics, I am comparing patterns of reproductive plasticity, behavior and gene flow within and among the Japanese and American eastern coastlines.
連絡先:柁原 宏(北海道大学大学院理学研究院)
E-mail: kazi@mail.sci.hokudai.ac.jp
電話: 011-706-2755 |