日時:2016年11月28日(月)午後17時より 場所:北海道大学理学部5号館8階 セミナー室(813号室)
演題:Anticipating long-distance migration in the eel – a role for steroid hormones
演者:Mark Lokman Department of Zoology, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand (オタゴ大学 ロックマン先生)
The freshwater eel, represented near-globally by some 16 species, has successfully managed to keep science guessing about notable parts of its remarkable life history. Its long-distance spawning migration has been particularly 'mysterious' – the fish undergo many pre-adaptations to their oceanic migratory life style, then leave continental waters to never been seen again; only recently, some tracking and capture data have started to emerge. The pre-adaptive changes are of notable interest – what are the changes, how do they enable the animal to migrate, and how are these changes mechanistically controlled? Particularly, what is the role of the reproductive axis, if any, in driving pre-migratory change? These questions have been one of the key research themes in my laboratory and I will give an overview of our findings – especially with regard to hormonal involvement in this event – on short finned eels (Anguilla australis) from New Zealand.
連絡先:北海道大学大学院・理学研究院・生物科学部門 松島俊也(matusima@sci.hokudai.ac.jp)