日本動物学会北海道支部 第583回支部講演会
場所:北海道大学 理学部5号館813室
演題:Cortical area V4 solves the stereo correspondence problem(大脳皮質V4野が両眼対応問題を解いている)
演者:藤田 一郎(大阪大学生命機能研究科・脳情報通信融合研究センター)
The visual system uses binocular disparity to derive the depth of objects and construct 3D scene. The computation involves determining which visual feature in one retina
corresponds to which of the numerous features in the other, dubbed the stereo
correspondence problem. Disparity is initially computed in area V1 by a process
similar to cross-correlation between the two retinal images. The correlation-based signal conveys information about false disparities in addition to the true disparity. Processing
beyond V1 then eliminates these false responses. Based on our research in the macaque monkey, we propose that a full transformation from correlation-based to match-based
representation occurs at the neuronal population level in or immediately after cortical
area V4.