テキサス大学臨海実験所Peter Thomas博士からポスドク募集

テキサス大学臨海実験所のPeter Thomas博士からポスドク募集の案内です。この10月からの採用で2年間の予定です。彼らはプロゲステロンによる精子運動の活性化の標的がプロゲステロン膜受容体であることを発表していますが、別の説であるカルシウムチャネルによる活性化について再検討し、魚類の精子運動の活性化の仕組みをより詳細に解析しようという計画のようです。興味のある方は以下の案内文にありますThomas博士のメールアドレスに直接連絡して下さい。

Postdoctoral Position in Teleost Sperm Physiology
A postdoctoral position is available starting this fall (October 2021) to investigate the signaling pathways mediating progestin hormone induction of hypermotility in flounder sperm and enhanced male fertility through membrane progestin receptor alpha (mPRα) via a nongenomic mechanism. This postdoctoral research appointment will be for up to 2 years and is funded by a grant from the US Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture. The research will be conducted at the University of Texas Marine Science Institute at Port Aransas, Texas. This postdoctoral position will provide an opportunity to conduct cutting-edge research on one of the most comprehensive vertebrate models of hormonal upregulation of sperm motility and fertilization capability. The results of this research are expected to provide the background for developing novel practical in vitro procedures to enhance sperm motility and fertility in male broodstock. Applications are sought from interested physiologists/reproductive biologists who have completed a Ph.D. and have demonstrated a strong record of research productivity. Recent Ph.Ds. with a knowledge of intracellular signaling and/or sperm physiology are especially encouraged to apply.

Send enquiries to:
Peter Thomas, Ph.D.
University of Texas Marine Science Institute
750 Channel View Drive
Port Aransas, Texas 78374 USA
peter.thomas@utexas.edu: Tel 361-749-6768.




