個体差に関わる統計ワークショップ@北大(SQuID workshop)


2024年3月18日〜21日 北海道大学にて,豪華なメンバーによって,大学院生以上レベルを対象に開催されます.





– – – – – – – – – – 以下詳細 – – – – – – – – – – –
SQUID Short Course at Hokkaido University, Japan
– Using simulations to understand the biology of variance and how to study it –

This unique PhD-level course is given by the members of SQuID, which stands for Statistical Quantification of Individual Differences. The SQuID-group consists of a group of behavioural ecologists/evolutionary biologists interested in understanding the biology of variation in labile phenotypic traits (i.e. traits that have a hierarchical structure). For example, behaviour, physiology and some morphological traits (e.g. leaves or flowers on plants) vary among populations, among individuals within populations, and within individuals.
Although the course is focused on phenotypic traits, the analytical structure taught in the course applies to many other biological processes. In fact, similar structures of variance exist in most other biological phenomena and are linked to important biological processes, but they generate a number of challenges for investigation.
The SQuID approach uses informed simulations of data to learn about the way statistical (mixed-effect) models react to real data, to provide new insights into biological processes, and to inform more revealing study designs and analyses. This workshop introduces this approach with the goal that students can then pursue investigations of their own systems on their own. See: http://squidgroup.org/

Timing & Locality:
March 18-21 (4 days) 2024, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
08:30-16:30 each day, plus optional research seminars 17:30-18:30.
Lunches, tea/coffee, etc., were provided free, plus an end-of-workshop dinner.

Prerequisite knowledge:
This course is not intended as a beginner’s course. A basic understanding of linear models and bases of R coding are expected. All teaching will be in English.

Registration (deadline: 19th December 2023):
The workshop is entirely free. Participants must pay to travel to and stay in Sapporo, Japan. Students, who cannot pay for accommodation, may apply for a limited number of grants that could cover accommodation. For people who travel to Sapporo, Japan. There are 25 spots available for the first students (and postdocs) from all Asian countries to register.
For registration, please fill in this online form: https://forms.gle/EGnES5U86DX7MvSC8
(Register your interest and inquiry form: https://forms.gle/qirkFy7u2yu6r5Vd8)

Overall objectives of the workshop:
– (Statistical) Students will be able to define terms within the phenotypic equation and identify the potential sources of variation in a given experimental design
– (Simulation) Students will be able to simulate data with the squidSim package, including creating data structure, simulating population data, sampling from the population data, visualizing results, and assessing simulation performance
– (Biology) Students will be able to explain how statistical patterns in models are linked to biological systems and questions

Members of SQuID
Mr. Hassen Allegue, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Dr. Yimen Araya-Ajoy, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Prof. Anne Charmantier, University of Montpellier, France
Dr. Barbara Class, CEFE CNRS Montpellier, France
Prof. Niels Dingemanse, Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany
Prof. Ned Dochtermann, North Dakota State University, USA
Prof. Laci Gerhart, UC Davis, USA
Prof. Andre Guaraldo, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil
Prof. Kate Laskowski, University of California-Davis, USA
Prof. Lilian Manica, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil
Prof. Marcos Lima, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brazil
Prof. Shinichi Nakagawa, University of New South Wales, Australia
Dr. Rose O’Dea, University of New South Wales, Australia
Prof. Paulo Peixoto, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
Dr. Joel Pick, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Prof. Denis Réale, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Prof Holger Schielzeth, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
Prof Céline Teplitsky, University of Montpellier, France
Prof. David Westneat, University of Kentucky, U.S.A.
Prof. Jonathan Wright, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
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Ayumi Mizuno (Ms.), PhD
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science
Hokkaido University
Kita 10 Nishi 8 Kita-ku, Sapporo 060-0810, JAPAN
Mail: ayumi.mizuno@sci.hokudai.ac.jp


