ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 39巻1号(特集号)が出版されました

ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 39巻1号(特集号: Diversity of Coastal Organisms Around Japan)が出版されました。


Vol. 39, No. 1, February 2022
Special Issue “Diversity of Coastal Organisms Around Japan”
Guest Editors: Hiroaki Nakano and Kazuo Inaba


JAMBIO and Its Coastal Organism Joint Surveys: Network of Marine Stations Explores Japanese Coastal Biota
Hiroaki Nakano, Yukinobu Isowa, Kazuo Inaba
Zoological Science 39 (1), 1-6, (1 February 2022) https://doi.org/10.2108/zs210069 (Open Access)
KEYWORDS: animal diversity, evolution, Marine Station, fauna and flora, marine benthos


Sinking Down or Floating Up? Current State of Taxonomic Studies on Marine Invertebrates in Japan Inferred from the Number of New Species Published between the Years 2003 and 2020
Hiroaki Nakano, Naoto Jimi, Takenori Sasaki, Hiroshi Kajihara
Zoological Science 39 (1), 7-15, (6 October 2021) https://doi.org/10.2108/zs210076 (Open Access)
KEYWORDS: animal diversity, fauna, marine invertebrates, new species, systematics, taxonomy

A Taxonomic List of Sea Spiders (Arthropoda, Pycnogonida) from Japanese Waters
Katsumi Miyazaki
Zoological Science 39 (1), 16-40, (18 January 2022) https://doi.org/10.2108/zs210077
KEYWORDS: checklist, pycnogonid, pantopod, Japanese fauna, sampling data


Decreased Diversity and Abundance of Marine Invertebrates at CO2 Seeps in Warm-Temperate Japan
Jason M. Hall-Spencer, Giuseppe Belfiore, Morihiko Tomatsuri, Lucia Porzio, Ben P. Harvey, Sylvain Agostini, Koetsu Kon
Zoological Science 39 (1), 41-51, (28 January 2022) https://doi.org/10.2108/zs210061 (Open Access)
KEYWORDS: climate change, corals, hydrothermal vents, marine biodiversity, ocean acidification

New Records of Azooxanthellate Scleractinian Corals (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) from Sagami Bay and Suruga Bay, Japan
Asuka Sentoku, Yuki Tokuda
Zoological Science 39 (1), 52-61, (6 October 2021) https://doi.org/10.2108/zs210056
KEYWORDS: Scleractinia, solitary coral, asexual reproduction, transverse division, JAMBIO Coastal Organism Joint Surveys

Lineid Heteronemerteans (Nemertea: Pilidiophora) from Sagami Bay, Japan, with Some Proposals for the Family-Level Classification System
Hiroshi Kajihara, Ikumasa Ganaha, Hisanori Kohtsuka
Zoological Science 39 (1), 62-80, (3 January 2022) https://doi.org/10.2108/zs210059
KEYWORDS: Cerebratulus formosus, Heteronemertea, JAMBIO, Kulikovia alborostrata, Lineopselloides albilineus, marine invertebrates, Iwatanemertes piperata, Micrura, sanguineus, superniger

Description of Tubulanus misakiensis sp. nov. (Nemertea: Palaeonemertea) from Sagami Bay, Japan
Natsumi Hookabe, Hiroshi Kajihara
Zoological Science 39 (1), 81-86, (3 January 2022) https://doi.org/10.2108/zs210075
KEYWORDS: bathyal, deep sea, marine invertebrates, ribbon worm, systematics

New Species of Lower-Shelf to Upper-Slope Ctenostome Bryozoans from Pacific Japan, with a Family Range Extension
Masato Hirose
Zoological Science 39 (1), 87-98, (28 January 2022) https://doi.org/10.2108/zs210106
KEYWORDS: Alcyonidium, Bockiella, Ctenostomatida, Kumano Sea, Metalcyonidium, Sendai Bay, Suruga Bay, Triticella

The Phylogenetic Position of Branchamphinome (Annelida, Amphinomidae) with a Description of a New Species from the North Pacific Ocean
Naoto Jimi, Natsumi Hookabe, Kenichiro Tani, Ryuta Yoshida, Satoshi Imura
Zoological Science 39 (1), 99-105, (9 September 2021) https://doi.org/10.2108/zs210051
KEYWORDS: Amphinomida, deep sea, Japan, Polychaeta, polychaetes, taxonomy

Three Free-Living Marine Nematodes from Sagami Bay, Japan, with a Description of Wiesoncholaimus jambio sp. nov. (Nematoda: Oncholaimidae)
Daisuke Shimada, Keiichi Kakui
Zoological Science 39 (1), 106-114, (6 October 2021) https://doi.org/10.2108/zs210053
KEYWORDS: invertebrates, JAMBIO, meiofauna, new species, North Pacific

Ceratosomicola oki n. sp., a New Species of Copepod (Cyclopoida: Splanchnotrophidae) Parasitic on the Chromodoridid Nudibranch Glossodoris misakinosibogae Baba, 1988 Off the Oki Islands, Japan, with Microanatomical Observation Using Micro-CT
Daisuke Uyeno, Hisanori Kohtsuka, Akiteru Maeno
Zoological Science 39 (1), 115-123, (3 November 2021) https://doi.org/10.2108/zs210063
KEYWORDS: parasitic copepod, Splanchnotrophidae, Ceratosomicola oki n. sp., sea slug, Glossodoris misakinosibogae, micro-CT, 2D virtual section, 3D volume rendering image, Maximum Intensity Projection

First Record of Elasmobranch Hosts for the Gnathiid Isopod Crustacean Thaumastognathia: Description of Thaumastognathia bicorniger sp. nov.
Yuzo Ota, Akira Kurashima, Taku Horie
Zoological Science 39 (1), 124-139, (3 January 2022) https://doi.org/10.2108/zs210057
KEYWORDS: ectoparasite, bathyal, ITS2 sequence, holocephalan, isopod, taxonomy, phylogeny, larvae

Description of a New Hamatipeda Species, with an 18S Molecular Phylogeny (Crustacea: Tanaidacea: Typhlotanaidae)
Keiichi Kakui, Chizue Hiruta
Zoological Science 39 (1), 140-146, (9 November 2021) https://doi.org/10.2108/zs210065
KEYWORDS: DNA barcode, Malacostraca, new species, North Pacific, Peracarida

A New Species of Acoela Possessing a Middorsal Appendage with a Possible Sensory Function
Masashi Asai, Hideyuki Miyazawa, Ryuji Yanase, Kazuo Inaba, Hiroaki Nakano
Zoological Science 39 (1), 147-156, (18 January 2022) https://doi.org/10.2108/zs210058 (Open Access)
KEYWORDS: marineinvertebrates, Xenacoleomorpha, Acoelomorpha, acoel, Convolutidae, Amphiscolops, taxonomy, Japan

Observing Phylum-Level Metazoan Diversity by Environmental DNA Analysis at the Ushimado Area in the Seto Inland Sea
Takeshi Kawashima, Masa-aki Yoshida, Hideyuki Miyazawa, Hiroaki Nakano, Natumi Nakano, Tatsuya Sakamoto, Mayuko Hamada
Zoological Science 39 (1), 157-165, (28 January 2022) https://doi.org/10.2108/zs210073 (Open Access)
KEYWORDS: eDNA, marine invertebrate, Xenacoelomorpha, Acoela, Praesagittifera naikaiensis, Placozoa, Trichoplax adhaerens


