
平成28年度学会賞等選考委員会 (平成28年5月21日開催)
 赤坂甲治、浅見崇比呂、飯田 弘、井口泰泉、倉谷 滋、富岡憲治、松島俊也
 委員長 井口泰泉

 本賞の全6名の応募者は、選考規程にある「活発な研究活動を行い将来の進歩発展が強く期待される若手研究者」の条件を満たしており、高い水準での選考と なった。応募者の研究内容、研究業績、将来の発展性について詳細に審議した結果、以下3名(五十音順)を理事会に推薦することとした。


木矢剛知(きや たけとし)




It is a great honor and pleasure to be awarded for this prestigious award. Taking this precious opportunity, I would like to introduce my studies conducted so far and future direction. 

Insects exhibit a variety of fascinating behaviors and many of these behaviors are hard-wired. From childhood, I have been strongly interested in instinctive behaviors of animals and wanted to figure out why animals can behave appropriately without being taught from others. Out of many animals, insects drew my interest most strongly, since they can perform highly ordered behaviors even with such tiny brains. Since I first had the opportunity to address my hard-wired questions as a graduate student, I am luckily pursuing my interest as a researcher.

Aiming at elucidating the neural basis of instinctive behaviors in insects, I focused on immediate early genes (IEGs), whose expressions increase in response to neural activity, as the marker of neural activity. By now, I identified two novel IEGs from insect brains which can be reliably used as neural activity markers and comprehensively mapped active neurons in brains of insects showing instinctive behaviors, as below.

  1. Identification of a brain region related to foraging and dancing behavior in the honeybee, utilizing a novel IEG kakusei.
  2. Identification of a conserved IEGHr38and visualization of neurons activated by sex pheromones and courtship behavior in fly and silkmoth.

Here, I briefly summarize each study.

1. Workers of honeybees (here I studied European honeybees) are able to transmit the location of rich food sources which they found during their foraging trips by exhibiting dance behavior. This behavior is well-known as “dance communication” of honeybees. In dance communication, foragers transmit information of ‘distance’ and ‘direction’ of food sources by ‘waggle duration’ and ‘angle’ of dances. Nestmates follow the dance in the dark hive, decode dance information, and reach the indicated food sources, which are sometimes several kilometers away from the hive. Although this highly sophisticated behavior long drew interest of researchers, the neural mechanism of dance communication was totally unknown. To understand the neural mechanism of dance communication, I thought that it is essential to know the active brain regions and neurons in dancers. To identify active brain regions in dancers, I came to the idea to use IEGs as a neural activity marker. Since no IEG was known in insects, I screened for genes upregulated upon neural activity and identified a novel IEG kakuseifrom honeybee brains. Establishing neural activity mapping methods utilizing kakusei, I discovered that a subtype of mushroom body neurons is preferentially active in dancers. Further examinations revealed that the activity is related to foraging experience and visual inputs during foraging. This study for the first time identified an IEG from insect brains and revealed a candidate brain region related to dance communication. What role do these mushroom body neurons play in dance communication? This question remains unsolved. In the future study, I would like to reveal the neural circuit and its working principal that govern dance communication ability of honeybees.

2. Instinctive behaviors of insects are so diverse and all species have their own unique behaviors. As an entomologist, it is a dream to establish a method that is useful to detect active neurons in any insect that one wants to investigate. From silkmoth brain, I identified a highly conserved IEG Hr38and confirmed that Hr38can reliably be used as a neural activity marker in silkmoth, fly, and honeybee. Using Hr38, I revealed comprehensive neural activity pattern of male silkmoth stimulated with sex pheromone and of male fly stimulated with females. Hr38is the first conserved IEG in insects to be reported. Since Hr38is conserved among metazoans and in situ hybridization is applicable to any animals, Hr38 can serve as a neural activity marker, when one wants to identify brain regions and neurons active during instinctive behaviors. Utilizing transgenic techniques of silkmoth and fly, I am currently establishing activity-dependent neural tracing methods, where neurons activated by certain behaviors can be visualized with GFP and artificially controlled by optogenetics. Utilizing these novel methods, I would like to identify and reveal functions of novel neural circuit of instinctive behaviors in insects in future studies.

Finally, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of my advisors, collaborators, and family. These works were not at all possible without their help. 


佐藤 淳(さとう じゅん)





 分子系統学的研究では、複数の核DNAを用いた系統推定を行うことで、長年の謎であったレッサーパンダ(Ailurus fulgens)、鰭脚類(Pinnipedia;アザラシ、アシカ、セイウチ)、キューバソレノドン(Solenodon cubanus)、トゲネズミ(Tokudaia)等の系統学的位置づけや、その起源となる年代を解明したほか、イタチ科(Mustelidae)の系統放散と地球環境変動、および地史との相関を明らかにした。

 分子進化学的研究では、野生ハツカネズミ(Mus musculus)の亜種間交雑に伴い生じたヘモグロビンベータ鎖遺伝子の組換えや、食肉目哺乳類(Carnivora)における毛色関連遺伝子、および味覚受容体遺伝子の進化に関する研究を行った。特に味覚受容体遺伝子の研究では、鰭脚類の旨味受容体遺伝子が偽遺伝子化していることを発見し、食性や食べ方が本遺伝子の偽遺伝子化に関与したことを示した。

 系統地理学的研究では、クロテン(Martes zibellina)やニホンテン(Martes melampus)について、日本列島への流入経路や年代の推定を行った。これらの結果を合わせて、近年、日本の陸生哺乳類63種の分子系統学・系統地理学に関する研究をまとめ、大規模な比較系統地理学的な解析を行うことで、津軽海峡や対馬・朝鮮海峡の地史的変動や、ニッチの違いを反映する系統的近縁性が、日本産陸生哺乳類の分布形成(同所性・異所性)に大きな影響を与えたことを明らかとした。

 保全遺伝学的研究では、人工物による森林の分断化が、野生生物集団の遺伝的多様性に与える影響に関する研究と共に、島の哺乳類をモデルとした絶滅リスクに関する研究を行っている。これまで最も頻繁に絶滅が起きてきたのは島であるといわれており、その一つの要因として、島の集団の小集団化による遺伝的多様性の低下の関与が疑われている。したがって、島嶼集団の遺伝的固有性や多様性の評価は、絶滅リスクに関する知見を得る上で重要である。これまでに、トゲネズミやツシマテン(Martes melampus tsuensis)などを対象に、複数の遺伝子座に基づく分子系統解析を行うことで、島の系統の高い固有性を明らかにしてきた。また、ツシマテンや北海道のクロテンが、それぞれ本土やユーラシア大陸の集団と比較して、著しく低い遺伝的多様性を示すことを明らかとした。現在は、福山大学の地理的な優位性を活かし、瀬戸内海島嶼のアカネズミ集団をモデルとした、島嶼生物集団の遺伝的多様性に関する研究を行っている。その中で、ミトコンドリアDNAの遺伝的多様性が、島の面積と正の相関を示すことを発見した。このことは、集団サイズの減少が、島嶼集団の遺伝的多様性の低下を引き起こしたことを示唆する。



二階堂雅人(にかいどう まさと)




From the beginning of my research at 1997, I have been focusing on the adaptive evolution of animals. Especially, the mechanism of morphological diversification in higher vertebrates through adaptive evolution is of my primary interest because the earth is full of interesting creatures in terms of their appearance (phenotypes). The goal of my research is to link such interesting phenotypes to genotypes by using the Darwin’s theory of natural selection at the DNA level.

Around 2000, I have published several important papers about the molecular phylogeny of mammals; 1. the phylogenetic position of hippopotamuses (Nikaido et al. 1999), 2. the monophyly of the toothed whales (Nikaido et al. 2001), 3. the phylogenetic relationship of bats within mammals (Nikaido et al. 2000). The above studies attracted attention of many biologists including paleontologists and have been widely cited in the scientific journals. Especially, my finding of the close relationship between hippopotamus and whales challenged two traditional hypotheses; “the monophyly of the order Artiodactyla” and “the monophyly of mesonychians and whales”. At present, both of these hypotheses were revised and the order “Cet-artiodactyla” was newly proposed based on my finding. Around 2007, I moved my research to the evolution of coelacanths and cichlids (these groups are also very important in the field of evolutionary biology as the textbook examples of living fossil and adaptive radiation, respectively). For both animals, I participated in the projects of whole genome sequencing and comparative genomics (Nikaido et al. 2013; Brawand et al. 2014). Based on the comparative genomics, I found a genetically distinct coelacanth population off the northern Tanzanian coast (Nikaido et al. 2011). The coelacanth genome project also shed light on the evolutionary mechanism of water to land transition in vertebrates at the DNA level. The comparative genome analyses including pheromone receptor genes (Nikaido et al. 2014) has revealed that the considerable amount of standing genetic variation (ancestral polymorphisms) exists in cichlid genomes that could lead to adaptive radiation.

At present, I focus on the genomic region responsible for the parallel evolutions of adaptive morphology (e.g. lip thickness) of cichlids. In particular, I performed comprehensive QTL mapping analysis by using more than 400 of hybrid individuals, leading to the finding of the candidate gene (genomic region) responsible for the lip thickness. I hope this study (including my previous studies) will become one of the hallmark papers to understand the phenotype evolution from genotype. Let’s enjoy evolution.


  1. 平成24年度動物学会賞等の選考を終えて
  2. 公益社団法人日本動物学会 学会賞 平成31年度 応募要領
  3. 平成25年度動物学会賞等の選考を終えて
  4. 平成26年度動物学会賞等選考報告
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  6. 平成28年度日本動物学会学会賞の選考結果・受賞者要旨
  7. 平成30年度日本動物学会学会賞の選考結果・受賞者要旨
  8. 平成20年度 日本動物学会賞等の選考を終えて


